Upgrading Customer Tenant
This step describes how to run the Customer Upgrade service for updating each customer tenant.
Run the Sysadmin.CustomerUpgrade.exe as an Administrator using the UMP service admin account that was created in Create UMP Service Account. |
If you have a back-end SQL server for all your tenants, ensure that the username and password for the UMP service accounts are the same for both servers. |
Run the file Sysadmin.CustomerUpgrade.exe from directory C:\acs\SysAdmin.CustomerUpgrade. |
In the Customer Upgrade Manager, select the customers for which you wish to upgrade and then click Update Selected. |
During the upgrade process, a pending message is displayed.
At the end of the process, verify in the log that the upgrade session has been successfully completed, indicated with status "UpToDate" and then close this window. |
Open the Windows Services Manager (click and type Services) , start all sysadmin* and the World Wide Web services, or in PowerShell, type the following command: |
Start-Service sysadmin*, w3svc
Execute the Get-Service sysadmin*, w3svc command to ensure that all the services are running.
In the Multitenant portal, open the Tenants page and verify that the following upgraded versions are displayed: |
The wyUpdate version of the main UMP sysadminKit. |
The SysAdminCustomerUpgrade version of the customers. |